Brenton Padbolt

A Padbolt in quite likely the simplest, most common and cost effective method of locking a gate, garage door or stable door.

The Brenton Padbolt more simply  known as Padbolt fixes to the front or rear of the door/gates with screws and bolts, no chiselling or cutting out required – if you can use a drill then you’ll have no problems in fitting this. Can be fitted horizontally or vertically.

Can be used to bolt a gate shut by sliding the bolt closed and dropping the handle of the padbolt into the staple on the body of the padbolt. A padlock can be used to also stop the bolt from being opened, the padbolt fits through the staple and stops the padbolt from being operated, thereby locking the gate/door closed.

All fixings come with this.


All prices are excluding VAT. Prices suffixed with “pm” are per metre. All prices are subject to change.